Service Category
- Drain Cleaning
- Emergency Sewer Backups
- Video Camera Inspections
- Flushing And Steaming
- Sewer Line Repair & Replacement
- Sump Pumps Maintenance And Repair
- Cast Iron Pipe Rehabilitation
- Kitchen Line Inspection And Cleaning
- Main Water Breaks
- Fiberglass Pipe Relining
- Cc Service Box Maintenance, Repair And Replacement
- Cast Iron Pipe Rehabilitation
- Emergency Sewer Backups
- Drain Cleaning
- Augering And Flushing Storm And Sewer Lines
- Broken Pipe Spot Repairs
- Fiberglass Pipe Relining
- Fire Hydrant Inspection
- Video Camera Inspection
- Main Water Breaks
- Flushing And Steaming
- Lift Station Maintenance And Repair
- Sewer Line Repair & Replacement
Commercial Drain Service in the Edmonton Area available 24/7, performed by a team of highly skilled and trained technicians using the latest technology.
Contact Us
- 24/7 CALL: 780-242-4797
Or Fill Out the Form Below:

Get in touch today
Please contact us to request a quote, schedule an appointment, or if you have a water or sewer emergency and you need a technician immediately.
Instadrain Inc. specializes in locating problems causing flow restriction and sewer backups as well as recommending the most cost-effective and fastest method to permanently fix the problem.
We have the technology to remove the roughness around the cast iron pipe, restoring a smooth surface.
Instadrain Inc. uses trenchless technology to install fiberglass liners when pipe integrity is compromised.
Working Process

Immediate contact and customer service..

Inspection and Diagnosis
Exploration of the origin of the problem.

Final Results
Effective solution to the drainage problem.